

Etihad Water & Electricity Partners with Dept. of Public Works

May 21, 2024 / 3:48 PM
Sharjah24: As part of its commitment to enhancing engagements with partners, the Etihad Water & Electricity Company hosted a delegation from the Department of Public Works to explore avenues of mutual cooperation. The parties discussed several aspects related to enhancing electricity and water services in public projects under the Department of Public Works, as well as other infrastructure projects in the Eastern Region, in line with the urban and investment development witnessed by the Emirate of Sharjah across all regions, and in accordance with the new requirements introduced by the company.
The meeting also addressed the mechanism for approving electricity and water plans, and the exchange of expertise between the parties to provide the best services to the public. In order to meet current and future needs in various regions, in line with the wise government vision to continue improving the infrastructure of essential facilities in the country, including the water and electricity sectors and investing in them, and harnessing the latest technologies for sustainable development.

The two parties also discussed the procedure for approving water plans, its approval mechanism according to Union's specifications, and the installation method of water and electricity meters, emphasising the application of smart meter specifications. Additionally, discussions included the process of obtaining no-objection certificates and exploring a mechanism for obtaining them once without an expiry date, to facilitate the approval of plans submitted by the Department of Public Works. Furthermore, the meeting addressed the procedure for approving electricity plans in accordance with the newly established requirements by the Union Company.
May 21, 2024 / 3:48 PM

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