

SSC qualifies for the 26th Football Championship semi-finals

November 14, 2023 / 2:02 PM
Sharjah 24: Sharjah Sports Council (SSC) team qualified for the second group of the semi-finals of the 26th Government Departments and Institutions Football Championship, organised by Sharjah Government Employees Club, in partnership with the Al Thiqah Club for Disabled and under the supervision of the Sharjah Sports Council.
Within the first group competitions, Sharjah Sports Council (SSC) team achieved its second successive victory over Sharjah Social Services Department (SSSD) team, with a score of three goals to one, raising its score to six points, sitting at the top of the group and ensuring qualification to the semi-finals.

Within the same group competitions, Sharjah Cooperative Society team achieved an exciting draw with the Sharjah Amiri Guard, with two goals each, worsening the position of each team towards qualifying for the second round, and each of them needs to achieve a victory to compete for the second time towards qualifying for the golden square.

Mohamed Salah, coach of SSC, expressed his happiness with the distinguished performance of the team players during the match, achieving the second victory, which will have a positive impact during the competitions.

November 14, 2023 / 2:02 PM

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