

SCLD signs MoU with UHS

April 19, 2022 / 3:04 PM
Sharjah24: Dr. Ali Obaid Al Ali, Chief Executive Officer and Member of Board of Trustees, University Hospital Sharjah (UHS) , and Dr. Hanadi Obaid Al Suwaidi, Director of Sharjah Centre for Learning Difficulties (SCLD) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on March 28, 2022. The MoU aims to integrate their expertise in the fields of advanced, academic, and integrated rehabilitation medicine for people with learning disabilities, in line with both entities’ commitment to the principles of social responsibility.
On this occasion, Her Excellency Sheikha Jamila bint Muhammad Al Qasimi, Director General of Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services (SCHS), reaffirmed the importance of a specialized centre for learning difficulties that leverages the latest international practices and offers services through high-level experts. Al Qasimi also emphasised the significance of developing partnerships with centres, institutions, and universities, regionally and internationally, in order to provide services in accordance with best practices.

In 2017, the centre signed an MoU with Beacon College, USA, as well as with the Sharjah Education Council in 2020, and with the National Charity Schools and the Sharjah Private Education Authority in 2021. The latest MoU with University Hospital Sharjah is a continuation of this method in serving people with learning difficulties, based on scientific principles and an accurate understanding of the needs of these members.

Her Excellency Al Qasimi also noted the centre’s educational and social role in raising awareness among students, teachers, parents, and the members of society, on learning disabilities and the importance of early and accurate diagnosis, as well as individualized treatment plans for each case.

Her Excellency said: “Regardless of the fact that the centre was established only six years ago, its accomplishments demonstrates the centre's commitment towards its responsibilities. This is reflected in the centre’s latest results as it has served over 718 students and presented 1,048 evaluations, including psychological and educational assessments, learning difficulties assessments, occupational therapy assessments, and pronunciation and language assessments.”

Her Excellency went on to add that the centre’s accomplishments in such a short period of time speak for themselves, citing the Khalifa Award for Education in the field of Innovative Educational Projects within the UAE and the Arab World, received in May. Additionally, two conferences on learning disabilities were also organized in 2017 and 2019, with a wide participation of experts and specialists in the field from inside and outside the UAE.

Dr. Ali Obaid Al Ali said: “We are always working on building collaborations with authorities and agencies in the public and private sectors. This MoU reflects the quality of medical services that the hospital offers and is a result of its efforts to deliver the latest and most accurate tools and methods in diagnostics and treatment.” 

Furthermore, one of the hospital’s upcoming projects will be a symposium on language and pronunciation, in conjunction with the Gulf Day for Learning Disabilities.
April 19, 2022 / 3:04 PM

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