

SCLD’s achievements precede it

March 31, 2022 / 12:48 PM
Sharjah24: Dr. Ali Obaid Al Ali, Executive Director of the University Hospital Sharjah (UHS) and a Member of the Board of Trustees, and Dr. Hanadi Obaid Al Suwaidi, Director of the Sharjah Center for Learning Disabilities (SCLD), signed a Memorandum of Understanding, On Monday, March 28, to integrate expertise in the fields of advanced, academic, and integrated rehabilitation medicine for people suffering from learning difficulties.
Sheikha Jameela bint Mohammed Al Qasimi, Director General of Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services (SCHS), stressed the importance of having a specialised center for learning difficulties that adopts the latest international practices, provides its services by specialists at the highest levels, and develops partnerships with local, Arab and international centres, institutions and universities.

Sheikha Jameela noted the role of the educational and social center by educating students, teachers, parents, and various segments of society about learning difficulties and the need for an early and proper diagnosis so that each case is dealt with according to the appropriate individual plan.

Dr. Al Ali stated that the UHS always seeks cooperation with authorities and bodies, both governmental and private. The signing of the MoU reflects the quality of medical services provided by the hospital along with the latest, in addition to attracting medical competencies in various disciplines.

The two parties agreed to appoint a cooperative group to follow up on the procedures regarding the implementation of the agreement and overcome all difficulties with the support of the two administrations.
March 31, 2022 / 12:48 PM

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