

SCI distributes 15,000 meals as part of 'Feeding Food' initiative

June 15, 2024 / 10:47 PM
Sharjah 24: In conjunction with Waqfat Arafa, a day of deep spiritual significance eagerly awaited by Muslims, the Sharjah Charity International (SCI) distributed 15,000 meals to workers as part of the "Feeding Food" project across various locations in Sharjah.
Mohammed Salim Al Manai, Director of the Aid Department at SCI, highlighted the importance of good deeds on the Day of Waqfat Arafa. He noted that distributing meals has become a yearly tradition for the society, aimed at fostering solidarity within the community. This year's initiative provided 15,000 nutritious meals, prepared and packaged with care by several local kitchens to ensure a healthy dining experience.

Al Manai emphasised that the initiative embodies the spirit of solidarity and compassion within UAE society, reinforcing social ties and cooperation. He extended heartfelt thanks to the benefactors who supported and helped achieve the initiative's goals. The meal distribution covered the city of Sharjah and the central and eastern regions.

Volunteer teams expressed their happiness and gratitude for the opportunity to contribute to this charitable campaign.
June 15, 2024 / 10:47 PM

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