

SCI asks Joining hands to bring light to those in need

June 14, 2024 / 8:45 PM
Sharjah24: The Sharjah Charity International has announced a new initiative launched as part of the activities for the ten days of Dhu Al-Hijjah. The association has introduced the "Eye Operations" program, aimed at providing surgical procedures for individuals with visual impairments. This initiative plans to conduct 500 operations for patients in Tajikistan and Mauritania. The association has urged individuals and organizations to support this program, emphasizing its commitment to fighting blindness in the countries that receive aid from the association.
Mohammed Rashid bin Bayat, Vice Chairman of the Association’s Board of Directors, announced that as part of the Eid Al-Adha campaign, the campaign’s Supreme Committee has decided to include a new initiative called "Eye Operations." Through this initiative, with the help of generous supporters, the campaign aims to provide 500 surgical operations for people suffering from eye diseases such as Glaucoma, cataracts, and cornea issues in Mauritania and Tajikistan.

The SCI carries out its humanitarian activities in line with its strategic vision, which focuses on providing all necessary care and assistance to individuals seeking medical treatment, particularly eye patients. This includes performing surgical operations and providing the required medications both before and after the surgery to ensure a quick recovery and successful outcomes. Sharjah Charity encourages those willing to support the initiative in bringing comfort and relief to patients and alleviating their suffering.

When it comes to making donations to support this initiative, Bin Bayat clarified that each donation transaction costs AED500. People can donate either the full amount or a partial contribution using SMS from Etisalat or Du, through bank accounts, credit cards, or by calling the toll-free number 80014 to ask for a representative to come and collect donations. Another way to donate is through the smart link on the association's website.
June 14, 2024 / 8:45 PM

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