

SCI Board of Directors discusses partnerships

June 11, 2024 / 2:58 PM
Sharjah 24: The Board of Directors of Sharjah Charity International (SCI), headed by Sheikh Saqr bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Chairman of the Board of Directors, held its regular meeting, on Tuesday, at SCI main headquarters, which discussed a number of topics related to the society’s public work internally and externally.
At the beginning of the meeting, the attendees expressed their deepest thanks and gratitude to His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, and to His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad bin Sultan Al Qasimi, Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler of Sharjah, for their continued support and patronage of the charitable work in Sharjah, and their continuous humanitarian contributions throughout the year, which had a great impact in advancing humanitarian work inside and outside the UAE. The Council then approved the minutes of the previous meeting, after which it discussed a number of topics on the agenda of the current meeting.

The Council reviewed the tax report, the human resources report and the results of the teams’ performance indicators. It also discussed the results of the procedures during the past months related to developing and amending some policies in line with SCI development in recent years.

The attendees were also briefed on the latest developments related to the new accounting system, SCI website, and its electronic application, which are scheduled to be launched during the third and fourth quarters of this year, to represent an expanded digital shift within the framework of the services provided by SCI to its audience of donors and beneficiaries, as SCI will present its website in a different guise, and include many features. 
The meeting discussed the results of the report of SCI delegation’s visit to the Kingdom of Jordan, which saw the signing of a joint cooperation agreement with the Jordanian Red Crescent regarding sponsoring orphans in the Kingdom. At the local level, the report of the two partnership projects to be concluded in cooperation with Al Qasimia University and Sharjah Social Empowerment Foundation was reviewed, as the partnership expands with the two sides towards a more comprehensive cooperation.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the attendees renewed their thanks to His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member, Ruler of Sharjah, and to His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad bin Sultan Al Qasimi, Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler of Sharjah, for their role in supporting humanitarian work, and pledged to deliver the message of goodness to those who deserve it.
The meeting was attended by Their Excellencies Members Mohammed Rashid Bin Bayat, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Saeed Ghanem Al Suwaidi, and Dr. Yaqoub Ali Saeed Khalaf Al Naqbi.
June 11, 2024 / 2:58 PM

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