

SCI urges support for 700 dialysis sessions

June 08, 2024 / 5:25 PM
Sharjah 24: Sharjah Charity International (SCI) has introduced an initiative as part of its Eid Al Adha efforts: the "Dialysis" campaign.
This effort seeks to provide 700 dialysis sessions to patients with kidney failure recorded in the association's records, inviting benefactors and philanthropists to support this initiative, which provides treatment for many disadvantaged individuals.

According to Khaled Al-Qassab, Director of the Fundraising Department, in the frame of the Eid Al Adha campaign, the campaign's supreme committee agreed to include the "Dialysis" programme among the campaign efforts. It will deliver 700 dialysis sessions to enrolled patients with the assistance of donors.

He went on to say that the association carries out its humanitarian mission in accordance with its strategic goal, which is to provide all sorts of treatment and assistance to individuals needing medical aid, particularly in emergency situations, such as kidney failure patients. 

Regarding this initiative's donation options, Al-Qassab stated that one dialysis session costs 750 dirhams and that SCI accept whole or partial payments from benefactors by SMS from Etisalat or Du, bank accounts, the smart link on the association's website, or the phone centre at 80014.
June 08, 2024 / 5:25 PM

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