

"Emirates: Events and History": 1881 "Abu Thail" disappearance

March 26, 2024 / 9:46 PM
Image for the title: "Emirates: Events and History": 1881 "Abu Thail" disappearance
Sharjah 24: In eight episodes of Sharjah 24's "Emirates: Events and History," which is presented on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week, the programme covers historical events that occurred in the Emirates during the Thail's disappearance from the UAE sky in 1881.
"Abu Thail's" (the star with a tail) used to be visible to the people of the Emirates during Ramadan, but it didn't appear until Rajab 30 of that year.

According to Fahd Al Maamari, Chairman of the Emirates Library and Information Association and a heritage researcher, the star "Abu Thail" (the star with a tail) used to be visible to the Emirates during Ramadan but ceased to be so, and its last appearance was on 30 Rajab of the same year.

Al Maamari goes on to explain that the star is very significant to Arab culture and that it is at its brightest in the middle of January.
March 26, 2024 / 9:46 PM

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