

“SEDD”, “HUAWEI” exchange technological solutions

June 25, 2024 / 4:09 PM
Sharjah24: His Excellency Hamad Ali Abdalla Al Mahmoud, Chairman of Sharjah Economic Development Department “SEDD”, received a delegation form Huawei Technologies Co. headed by Wharton Huang, Head of Government and International Cloud.
The meeting aimed at strengthening cooperation in the field of modern technology as it was a continuation of the visit of SEDD officials as part of the official delegation form the Government of Sharjah to the Chinese company Huawei, as part of their recent trip to the People’s Republic of China.

At the beginning of the meeting, His Excellency SEDD Chairman, welcomed the delegation and emphasized that holing such meetings are important to strengthen cooperation to contribute to the exchange of experiences and the dissemination of institutional knowledge. This was done to improve the services provided to customers and discuss digital development mechanisms for the systems used, to ensure the development of unique and qualitative programs and systems that consolidate the emirate’s position. During the meeting, Huawei's latest technological solutions were discussed, and the Chinese delegation reviewed its advanced services in building and operating modern data centers at low cost and high performance.

Cloud solutions were also discussed, including storage capacities, supercomputing, networks, and online services. The meeting also touched on the artificial intelligence services provided by Huawei, which contribute to enhancing the digital transformation system, improving the user experience, and providing proactive and innovative services. The enterprise resource management systems provided by the company, which are believed to be among the best global systems in this field, were also discussed. 

The meeting also discussed Internet of Things technologies and how to benefit from them in organizing the locations of economic establishments and transforming Sharjah into a smart business platform. In addition, the visit also included a tour at SEDD data center, where the Huawei delegation was briefed on the latest technologies used by the Department in providing its digital services.

Commenting on that, HE SEDD Chairman, stressed on the Department’s concerns to adopt best practices and build an advanced digital system that works around the clock to serve society in a sustainable manner, enhance and develop individuals’ lives by using data safely, and provide integrated services to all individuals with simplified work mechanisms that save them effort and time.

His Excellency also pointed out that enhancing cooperation and coordination between the Department and Huawei is considered one of the strategic goals of the Department and based on its keenness to strive diligently to contribute constructively and positively to achieving sustainable economic development of Sharjah. HE clarified that such thing will help to make the emirate occupy a distinguished position at the regional and international levels, which contributes to providing more services and facilities resulting at reflecting the emirate's position as a global city that provides the best and finest services in all aspects.

On the other hand, Ali Al Naqbi, Deputy Director of IT Department at SEDD, stated that the Department has provided multiple and diverse channels to sustain its work, including digital services on portals and smart phones, to cover all aspects and areas of its procedural work, so that the customer does not need to visit its headquarter or any of its branches. Also, Al Naqbi pointed out that implementing transactions digitally contributed to achieving many important positive impacts on various economic, social, environmental and operational aspects, whether by achieving high efficiency in completing customer requests by reducing the time it takes to obtain services, or by facilitating obtaining the service, which was reflected on the level of productivity. Furthermore, the Department has also continued to improve and develop the user experience and facilitate the customer’s journey during the past period, while it is working to adopt a green environment policy that requires converting all paper transactions into digital transactions.

By the end of the meeting, “Huawei” delegation praised the digital services and procedures provided by SEDD to its customers, which move towards facilitating its services. The delegation also thanked the Department for their reception and quick response to invite them to the main branch, and stressed their keenness to enhance cooperation and coordination with the Department in a way that contributes to developing a mutual work system.
June 25, 2024 / 4:09 PM

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