

SM reviews protein fraud detection in powdered milk

June 19, 2024 / 5:13 PM
Sharjah 24: The Sharjah Municipality (SM), represented by the Central Laboratories Department, recently concluded a visit to Vienna, Austria, where they participated in the International Symposium on Food Safety and Control. Organised every 10 years by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at the United Nations headquarters, this symposium gathers experts and specialists worldwide. Representing the UAE, the Sharjah Municipality contributed alongside various countries by presenting over 260 working papers on global practices in food security and one Health.
Adel Omar, Director of Public Health and Central Laboratories at Sharjah Municipality, emphasised the importance of participating in international forums to showcase their successful experiences, especially in health, food safety, and consumer protection. The municipality's laboratories meet international standards, equipped with state-of-the-art technology and managed by a skilled and experienced team.

Sheikha Dr. Najla Ali Al Mualla, Director of the Central Laboratories Department and head of the delegation, highlighted that their participation focused on reviewing the best international practices in detecting food fraud and contaminants in powdered milk, and assessing food risks. This global forum provided an opportunity to exchange experiences and promote the services of the municipality’s central laboratories, accredited by the ISO 17025 quality standard since 1999.

The symposium addressed various scientific topics related to food safety and control, including chemical residues and pollutants in food, feed, meat, fish, and drinking water, as well as the role of government-private partnerships and funding agencies in policymaking and emergency response. It featured dialogue sessions, scientific poster presentations, and an exhibition showcasing the latest devices and techniques for detecting food fraud and ingredients.

Dr. Al Mualla noted that the visit facilitated the exchange of experiences with neighbouring countries in food safety, insights into the IAEA’s food safety laboratories, and the latest developments in detecting food contaminants. It also opened avenues for future cooperation in research studies and advanced solutions to enhance quality of life and One Health with the agency and other institutions.

June 19, 2024 / 5:13 PM

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