

SCI seeks support for 50 Children's heart surgeries

June 11, 2024 / 11:19 PM
Sharjah 24: The Sharjah Charity International (SCI) has launched the "Little Hearts" initiative as part of its Dhu al-Hijjah ten-day initiatives. This initiative aims to perform 50 catheterisation operations for children with severe heart diseases in Ghana and Kyrgyzstan. The Society is calling on philanthropists and families to support this cause, which seeks to treat children born with life-threatening heart conditions.
Mohammed bin Nassar, Director of the Corporate Communications and Marketing Department, stated that the "Little Hearts" initiative has been included in the Eid Al Adha campaign. With the support of benefactors, the initiative will fund 50 catheterisation operations in Ghana and Kyrgyzstan. He emphasised the importance of alleviating the suffering of sick children whose families cannot afford treatment.

The initiative aligns with the Society's strategic vision to provide care and assistance, particularly for emergency cases like children with heart conditions. Operations will be carried out by a medical team led by Dr. Ahmed Al Kamali, Pediatric Cardiac Catheterisation Consultant at Al Qassimi Women's and Children's Hospital in Sharjah. The team will perform the operations and provide necessary medications to ensure quick recovery.

The cost of one operation is 5,000 dirhams. Donations can be made via SMS through Etisalat or Du, bank accounts, credit cards, the toll-free number 80014, or the smart link on the Society’s website. The SCI urges those with the means to contribute to bringing joy, healing, and relief to these young patients.

June 11, 2024 / 11:19 PM

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