

Sharjah Consultative Council Reviews SGMB’s Strategic Efforts

May 22, 2024 / 5:19 PM
Sharjah 24: During their visit to the Sharjah Government Media Bureau, the Sharjah Consultative Council’s Committee for Education, Youth, Culture, and Media Affairs reviewed the extensive efforts and strategic initiatives undertaken by the Bureau to achieve high levels of positive communication with the media community.
Sheikha Ali Mohammed Al Naqbi, Chair of the Committee, highlighted in an exclusive statement to Sharjah 24 that the committee’s visit to the Media Bureau was part of their activities during the first session of the Council’s eleventh term. The visit aimed to strengthen collaboration and learn about best practices in the media field.

Al Naqbi noted that they were received by Tariq Saeed Allay, Director General of the Sharjah Government Media Bureau, along with a group of distinguished directors and staff. The committee toured the various departments and sections of the Bureau to understand the roles and responsibilities carried out under the Sharjah Media Council.

The committee was briefed on the functions of the Sharjah 24 news website, including its mechanism for covering the activities of all governmental institutions and departments in Sharjah, and highlighting their efforts. They also learned about the Sharjah Press Club’s roles and programmes, such as the Ithmaar Programme, which aims to discover and nurture emerging media talents to contribute to the future media landscape.

In conclusion, Sheikha Al Naqbi expressed gratitude to the Bureau for their warm reception, affirming the commitment to continuing fruitful partnerships and coordinating efforts among various institutions and departments of the Sharjah Government.

May 22, 2024 / 5:19 PM

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