

SCC Committee cooperates with EALL in legal legislation

May 15, 2024 / 5:21 PM
Sharjah 24: The Legislative and Legal Affairs, Appeals, Suggestions and Complaints Committee of Sharjah Consultative Council (SCC) received Emirates Association of Lawyers and Legal (EALL).
During the meeting, frameworks for cooperation in the field of legal legislation were discussed as part of the committee’s work for the first regular session of the eleventh legislative term.

The meeting was attended by His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Belhaif Al Nuaimi, Chairman of SCC, at the Council’s headquarters in Sharjah, in the presence of the Chairman of the Legislative and Legal Affairs Committee, Muhammad Ali Al Hammadi, and a number of members, namely Muhammad Saleh Al Ali, Hamad Abdullah Al Riyami, Rashid Saleh Al Hammadi, Obaid Ishaq Al Mazmi, and from the General Secretariat of the Council, Abdul Aziz. Bin Khadim, Deputy Director of Parliamentary Affairs.

From EALL, Zayed Al Shamsi, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and a number of Board members attended the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Belhaif Al Nuaimi welcomed EALL delegation, and stressed the importance of cooperation and coordination in the field of legislation and law, pointing out that EALL is an important partner in strengthening the legal system and integrating joint roles in this field. 

Muhammad Ali Al Hammadi stated that the meeting came with the aim of cooperating with the association to conduct comparative studies of the emirate’s legislation with the aim of working on developing it or proposing new legislation in accordance with the Council’s regulations, which allow ten members of the Council to propose draft laws, which strengthens the legal system in the emirate.

Zayed Al Shamsi expressed EALL keenness to develop frameworks of joint cooperation with SCC and to work according to a participatory relationship to study relevant laws.

A meeting was held between the Legislative and Legal Affairs, Appeals, Suggestions and Complaints Committee, and EALL. Discussions, during the meeting, addressed the importance of consolidating cooperation between the legal and legislative bodies in Sharjah, and discussed ways to enhance partnership and exchange experiences and knowledge in the field of drafting laws, regulations and systems.

The committee highlighted its vision through its work system to discuss issues of legal concern, provide the necessary recommendations and proposals in this regard, and cooperate with the association.

EALL confirmed its full readiness to cooperate with the legal Committee in studying legislation and strengthening legal work in Sharjah within the framework of joint efforts.
May 15, 2024 / 5:21 PM

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