

SCI constructs 92 houses for underprivileged families abroad

May 15, 2024 / 7:34 PM
Sharjah24: Sharjah Charity International (SCI) has revealed the construction of 92 homes as part of the "Shelter for the Poor" project in several countries covered by its humanitarian projects over the past year, through coordination and cooperation with the country's embassies, local associations, and SCI offices in the capitals of those countries, as part of the strategic plan through which the association seeks to provide the essential elements for a decent life for the inhabitants.
"With the support and sponsorship of our donors for our charitable projects, we have provided shelter and suitable housing throughout the past year for more than 92 low-income families living in huts or makeshift tents that do not protect them from the heat of the sun or the cold of winter," said Mohammed bin Nassar, Director of SCI's Corporate Communications and Marketing Department. He said, "SCI spent over 2.4 million dirhams last year to build 92 houses and deliver them to deserving recipients."

He underlined that the organisation supervises the development of these projects through its delegates, the commitment of the executing agencies to the building phases, the delivery of facilities within the agreed-upon timeframe, and periodic maintenance work to assure its continued giving.

Furthermore, he reaffirmed the association's strong commitment to delivering benefactors' donations to their rightful recipients, expressing profound gratitude to the benefactors who supported the projects of homes for the poor, as well as to the country's embassies in the countries covered by the association's work and projects for their cooperation in this noble endeavour. 

He also applauded the association's offices for their important role in executing and monitoring the association's programmes, as well as guaranteeing donors that their gifts reach their intended recipients.
May 15, 2024 / 7:34 PM

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