

SCI and Jordan Red Crescent sign a joint cooperation agreement

May 11, 2024 / 5:19 PM
Sharjah 24: Sharjah Charity International (SCI) and Jordan Red Crescent concluded, on Wednesday, a cooperation agreement aimed at sponsoring 3,200 orphans within the sponsorship and orphan care project implemented by SCI around the world.
In signing the agreement, SCI was represented by His Excellency Ali Muhammad Al Rashidi, Head of the Resources and Investment Sector; and Jordan Red Crescent was represented by Salim Khair, Secretary-General, in the presence of His Excellency the Counselor, Mr. Hamad Al Matroushi, Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates.

Ali Muhammad Al Rashidi said that according to the agreement, SCI will resume sponsorship in the Kingdom of Jordan by caring for more than 3,200 orphans who lost their fathers, mothers, or one of them. 

SCI, through the benefactors sponsoring the orphans, provides all forms of care to the sponsored, including living, educational, and health needs. 

Ali Muhammad Al Rashidi stressed that the sponsorship and orphan care project is one of the most successful charitable projects that achieves its goals in the association, and SCI is proud to include more than 28,000 sponsored orphans among its records. They receive fully comprehensive care in an environment that erases from their hearts sadness and the feeling of loss of fatherhood and motherhood.

Al Rashidi continued that the delegation completed its work after the signing of the agreement and was briefed on the mechanism of the orphan sponsorship programme and visited the vocational training centre and the Jordan Red Crescent Hospital. The delegation also distributed more than 100 food parcels to needy families who expressed their thanks to SCI and its donors for their support in carrying out these great works, and the association’s delegation extended its sincere thanks to the UAE Embassy in Amman for its continued efforts in humanitarian work that contribute to strengthening the bonds of cooperation between the two brotherly countries, stressing that sponsorships for orphans will be disbursed in the near future. 

For his part, His Excellency Counselor Hamad Al Matroushi, expressed that he was proud to attend this occasion, stressing that the signing of this agreement embodies the strong relationship between the two brotherly countries, especially in the humanitarian field, and also confirms the great trust, which charitable institutions and societies in the UAE give to Jordan Red Crescent, in addition to the great success in implementing charitable and humanitarian projects and initiatives.

In turn, His Excellency Salim Khair welcomed the honourable delegation, stressing that the signing of this agreement is beneficial for the oppressed and orphans who have lost their father or parents, so that a benevolent hand from those in charge of SCI may be extended to them to sponsor them and begin by sponsoring four thousand orphans, and this initiative is among many initiatives presented by the UAE in various fields to support the vulnerable and refugees in Jordan.
May 11, 2024 / 5:19 PM

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