

Sharjah Asset Management Distributes 300 Iftar Meals Daily

April 01, 2024 / 4:04 PM
Sharjah24: During the holy month of Ramadan, Sharjah Asset Management, the investment arm of Sharjah government, in collaboration with the Sharjah Charity International distributes 300 Iftar meals daily to fasting workers at the Jubail Markets. This gesture acknowledges and appreciates the pivotal role of these workers in the success of the market, now a favoured destination for residents and visitors seeking high-quality food items.
Salem Al Midfa, the CEO of Corporate Communications and Customer Service at Sharjah Asset Management, emphasises the company's commitment to community welfare during Ramadan. He highlights their efforts to foster a positive work environment characterised by compassion, which enhances overall performance and service quality for market visitors.

Sharjah Asset Management, known for its global real estate investment portfolio, collaborates with leading asset management firms and investment agencies. Through strategic partnerships, it drives economic growth in Sharjah and manages real estate projects across the UAE, focusing on various sectors including finance, commerce, logistics, technology, communications, real estate, industry, transportation, oil, and gas.
April 01, 2024 / 4:04 PM

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