

Friends for Diabetes reviews the “Superhero” campaign

February 22, 2024 / 5:40 PM
Sharjah 24: Friends for Diabetes, one of the health-supporting associations in the Health Education Department of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs (SCFA), discussed the latest developments in awareness competitions for the “Superhero” campaign, one of the association’s programmes aimed at educating community members about diabetes, and prevention methods.
36 schools from Sharjah participated, where arbitration committees work to judge 6 artistic competitions, represented in the competition for the best theatrical script, the awareness video competition, the presentation and animation competition, the superhero design competition, the innovation competition, and finally the lyric poetry competition. In addition to the Distinguished Schools Competition.

The arbitration also ensured that students’ works were selected according to the arbitration conditions in the aforementioned competitions, numbering 105 participating works, in which approximately 140 students from different schools participated in the campaign. 

Her Excellency Khawla Al Hajj, President of the Friends for Diabetes, indicated that the “Superhero” campaign is considered one of the association’s most important awareness projects and programmes due to its targeting of school students, parents, and the teaching staff to increase their awareness of the repercussions of diabetes, and the importance of following healthy lifestyle and practicing physical activities, as well as promoting a safe and supportive environment for children who suffer from diabetes to achieve effective management of their disease.   
Her Excellency Khawla Al Hajj noted that organising these competitions comes within the framework of the association’s endeavour to contribute to creating a generation capable of educating itself, family, and school community about diabetes and ways to prevent it, and to motivate students to participate in the programme with innovative and creative ideas, which benefits society..
February 22, 2024 / 5:40 PM

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