

Breastfeeding Friends organizes educational sessions for mothers

May 18, 2023 / 11:13 AM
Sharjah24: Breastfeeding Friends of the Health Promotion Department of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah organised a series of awareness and educational sessions, held in person and virtually by 86 mothers.
The sessions aim to advise mothers about healthy nutrition and what guarantees a healthy and safe pregnancy, in addition to educating nursing mothers on how to plan for pregnancy to avoid problems and diseases. 

Khawla Abdulaziz Al Noman, President of the Breastfeeding Friends, attended the sessions with administrative staff, several volunteers, and many breastfeeding mothers.

The session also discussed essential vitamins and minerals for a nursing mother and their impact on the health of the mother and child, the factors helping to increase milk production, as well as the psychological stimuli and their effects on the pregnant and breastfeeding mother alike.

After the sessions, Al Noman confirmed that breastfeeding is the most beautiful communication between a mother and her child.
May 18, 2023 / 11:13 AM

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