

UHS successfully performs complex surgery for Hydrocephalus

May 11, 2022 / 11:05 AM
Sharjah24: As part of its mission to provide quality healthcare services, the University Hospital Sharjah successfully carried out a complex surgery for Hydrocephalus, a condition that causes buildup of fluid in the cavities deep within the brain. The procedures were carried out following extensive evaluations and analysis by pediatric experts.
A four-year-old female with a history of Congenital Hydrocephalus, as well as an insertion of a Ventriculoperitoneal shunt at the age of six months, was brought with a two-week history of abdominal pain, intermittent vomiting, and abdominal distension. Upon arrival, the patient was vitally stable, afebrile, and fully conscious with normal developmental milestones. The clinical evaluations revealed a properly positioned ventricular catheter, a large abdominal pseudocyst, and increased ESR levels and CRP levels with normal WBC count. 

The patient underwent an ultrasound guided drainage of abdominal pseudocyst collection. However, the toddler further went on to develop massive abdominal distension associated with vomiting in a few days, and underwent laparoscopic fenestration of pseudocyst and repositioning of peritoneal catheter. 

Furthermore, the first follow up visit revealed that the patient’s abdomen was distended, and an ultrasound confirmed the presence of massive fluid retention. The surgeon determined that the abdomen was not functioning/absorbing CSF effectively and instructed the implantation of a Programmable Ventriculoatrial shunt with the help of the anesthesia team. The procedure was a success and her condition remained stable with a normal postoperative course.

Dr. Ali Obaid Al Ali, UHS Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board of Trustees, stated:
“We are proud to announce that the University Hospital Sharjah has successfully completed a complex procedure for Congenital Hydrocephalus, leveraging our state-of-the-art technology, experienced professional consultants, and advanced operation theaters. We hope to serve more patients from the UAE and GCC, where they can benefit from our comprehensive expertise and standardized high-quality services to live a healthy life.”

The most common treatment for Congenital Hydrocephalus is a shunt system, where a surgeon will place a flexible plastic tube in the infant’s brain to drain the extra fluid, with the other end of the tube going under the skin and into the belly, or another place in the body where the excess CSF can be absorbed. 

In an identical case, a three-year-old male patient with a history of Congenital Hydrocephalus, who was also Covid positive, underwent a VP shunt insertion at the age of six months at UHS. Similarly, a nine-month old male infant, who had been operated on more than six times in five months for Hydrocephalus and associated shunt infection, also underwent a shunt tapping procedure, under complete aseptic techniques, by the combined expertise of multiple pediatric surgeons at UHS.

The University Hospital Sharjah is committed to assisting and guiding patients on their journey with the help of advanced technologies and robust medical services. UHS and its range of experts are constantly working to deliver specialized care for patients, while ensuring high quality.
May 11, 2022 / 11:05 AM

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