

Mleiha Sports Club hosts Sharjah Munshid participants

March 17, 2022 / 9:45 AM
Sharjah24: Sharjah Munshid participants accepted the invitation of Mleiha Sports Club to spend a sports day and play various games in the club’s halls and between its athletes and coaches.
At the beginning of the hosting, which took place Wednesday, Sharjah Munshid participants wore sportswear bearing the club’s logo. His Excellency Mohammed Sultan Al Khasooni, Chairman of the Club’s Board of Directors, welcomed the attendance of the vocalists participating in the Sharjah Munshid programme, stressing the club’s welcome to the Sharjah Emirate’s guests from the Sharjah Radio and Television Authority, the club, to enjoy playing sports.

The vocalists then engaged in a number of different sports, including futsal, swimming, athletics and volleyball, in addition to performing a number of sports exercises and competitions with the club's players and coaches.

At the end of the visit, the club's management presented a shield to the Sharjah vocalist program in appreciation of the program's role in highlighting Arab singing voices and presenting them to the public.
March 17, 2022 / 9:45 AM

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