

AQU and FDA organise a training programme

March 10, 2022 / 11:34 AM
Sharjah24: The College of Communication at Al Qasimia University (AQU) organised the first training meeting for more than forty male and female students to volunteer in the field of health communication at the university headquarters, with The Friends for Diabetes Association (FDA).
The aim of the meeting was to raise the capacity to produce media contents that serve the objectives of the Association of Friends of Diabetics of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah, within the framework of the higher objectives of Al Qasimia University, which is based on building and developing specialized scientific capabilities, to be in the service of human societies.

The training program included an introductory paper for the Friends of Diabetes Association in Sharjah presented by Ms. Khawla Taher Al Haj, President of the Association, through which she discussed the fields in which the Association operates, and reviewed the volunteering methods for students of the College of Communication.
March 10, 2022 / 11:34 AM

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