The podcast Journal of Time: Proverbs and Wisdom of the People of the UAE explores the lessons and insights passed down through centuries through Emirati proverbs. The series, which runs for eight episodes and is presented by Sharjah 24 alongside Emirati heritage scholar Dr. Mohammed Rashid Al Naqbi, focuses on the richness of traditional sayings.
The eighth and last episode focuses on proverbs like "Preserve your old, for the new does not last," "Do not bind your head without pain," and "Things return to their owners." Al-Naqbi believes that folk proverbs have served as a valuable source of wisdom for ancestors and parents, supporting them in guiding and educating their children and community members.
He notes that the eighth episode contains proverbs such as "What stands between you and the rice is its heat," which implies that the heat of the rice may hinder you from eating it. This proverb refers to someone who wants to accomplish something but is thwarted by difficulties or circumstances. The proverbs continue with the phrase "Cutting necks is easier than waiting," which refers to someone who has been waiting for something for a long time. The adage advocates against waiting and instead taking direct action. Similarly, "If you don't crack the walnut, you can't eat its core," which emphasises that reaching and enjoying objectives requires hard work and strength.
The episode also features the saying "Don't tie your head without pain," which warns against lying, deceiving others, or alleging something that did not happen.
It was discovered that Emirati proverbs frequently mention diving and water, as they had a big impact on the forefathers' lives. "We seek the outcome of diving" is an example where "outcome" refers to results and returns. The proverb refers to persons who discuss issues but never achieve a resolution.
The episode includes proverbs such as "The crested tern hunts in deep waters, but the reef heron eats on the shore," which has a significant meaning. It refers to people who rely on the efforts of others without contributing their own. Both the crested tern and the reef heron have fascinating eating habits: the crested tern hunts fish in the deep sea and drops them on the coast to eat later. Before it returns, the reef heron seizes the opportunity and swallows the fish effortlessly. This represents the reality of certain people who gain from others' efforts without contributing their own.
Dr Mohammed Rashid Al Naqbi uses the phrase "Horses, even when emaciated, do not carry dust" to show how important horses are in Arab culture. Owning them represents rank, prestige, honour, pride, strength, charity, and nobility. Wherever horses abound, goodness follows. Arabs have maintained their pristine bloodlines and lineages. Similarly, some people retain elements of dignity, honour, and respect, even as they age, weaken, or lose authority. We should not discredit them or diminish their standing, as their contributions remain valuable.
Another saying adds, "Whoever has broth should have spoons prepared," implying that someone who wishes for something must make proper preparations. Furthermore, the phrase "There is no pile of dates without bad ones" implies that in any group, there will be individuals who have poor knowledge and comprehension. This is simply the nature of humanity—people differ in intellect, awareness, and ability in all areas of life.
The podcast also discusses Emirati proverbs, such as "Because of too many shepherds, the sheep were lost," which emphasises that a group's affairs cannot be adequately handled without a leader to direct them. Another adage, "A pot and a ladle, and no need for others," encourages contentment with what one has and discourages over-reliance on others.
The eighth episode of the podcast presents the adage, "Blessings are prone to disappearance," emphasising the significance of giving thanks for God's abundant blessings. Those who appreciate them will continue to enjoy them, while others who respond with ingratitude will lose them. Another saying, "Things belong to their rightful owners," implies that everything eventually returns to where it belongs. For example, regardless of how far a person travels, they will eventually return to their family.
The podcast also delves into social proverbs such as "Save the crumbs, and time will ask you for them," which discourages waste and encourages valuing even modest quantities of wealth. "What's in the pot, the ladle will reveal" means that whatever is hidden—whether a good or terrible action—will eventually be exposed. Another interpretation is that some people pretend to have knowledge or talents they don't possess, but when tested, their true abilities emerge.
Dr. Mohammed Rashid Al Naqbi, an Emirati heritage researcher, finishes the eighth and final episode with a saying emphasising the significance of maintaining cultural history: "Keep your old things; the new ones won't last." This phrase promotes preserving traditions and practices as a way of staying connected to one's roots. He underlines that each proverb discussed in the podcast series serves as a constant reminder to appreciate and uphold the rich history left by our forefathers, with each proverb bearing a vital lesson built through years of wisdom and experience.