Sharjah 24: In preparation for the launch of the new version of the Geographic information system (GIS) software programme after upgrading the system's infrastructure, Sharjah Electricity, Water and Gas Authority (SEWGA), represented by the Information and Communication Technology Department, organised a training programme for the Authority's GIS employees.
The training programme aims at developing SEWA GIS employees skills in the field of using the updated version of the ArcGIS Pro GIS software. The training programme was held from January 6 to 9, 2025 at the Authority's headquarters.
Keeping pace with information technology current developments
Majid Harimel Al Shamsi, Director General of Institutional Support at the Authority, explained that SEWGA is keen to develop and raise the level of efficiency of its employees to keep pace with current developments in the field of information technology and GIS, and to provide the best and latest technologies and systems to technical departments to facilitate their daily work.
Al Shamsi stressed that the Authority focuses on using technology as a means to improve and manage operations, raise the level of infrastructure, services, information and decision-making, and therefore the SEWGA is constantly working on the continuous development of GIS, modernising the system's infrastructure, improving efficiency and increasing productivity.
Introducing the new GIS version to employees
Engineer Fatima Ali Asghar, Director of the Information Technology and Communications Department, explained that the new version of the GIS software was launched during the second week of January 2025. To prepare system users and ensure smooth work and dealing with the new system, a programme was prepared to qualify and develop employee skills through a specialised training course for users of GIS at the Authority, within the infrastructure upgrade project plan, where the training programme was provided by the company specialised in the field of GIS before the project launch date.
Asghar pointed out that the Information Technology and Communications Department is keen on the continuous development and improvement of services in this field and is working hard to ensure improving the user experience and increasing production and operational efficiency. A seminar on the use of portable GIS to improve field operations was held with the participation of a number of government agencies.
Engineer Fatima Ali Asghar added that the initiative comes to enhance the Authority's efforts in implementing the integrated upgrade plan for GIS to keep pace with the latest technology in the field.