

TAHKEEM concludes Urban Arbitration Forum

January 18, 2024 / 6:08 PM
Sharjah 24: Sharjah International Commercial Arbitration Centre (TAHKEEM) concluded the first edition of the Urban Arbitration Forum, organised with the aim of introducing investors, suppliers, contractors, and service providers to TAHKEEM and its pioneering role in serving the economic sectors. The Forum was held in conjunction with the launch of Sharjah Real Estate Exhibition “ACRES 2024”.
The first edition, held under the title “The Role of Arbitration in Supporting Economic Development,” the forum discussed the concept of economic development and the conditions that preserve investment. 

Ahmed Obaid Al Qaseer, Executive Director of Sharjah Investment and Development Authority (Shurooq) said that the real estate sector is one of the most promising sectors in the UAE and has witnessed remarkable growth. He continued that Maryam Island is one of these pioneering real estate projects in Sharjah, as it is a unique project built on solar energy and includes smart systems to provide a sustainable experience. The project consists of advanced stages, where the first stage will be delivered, the second phase will consist of a hotel and a water park, and the project is expected to be fully completed in 2025. The project includes the use of high-quality building materials and offers a complete system with activities. 

Al Qaseer pointed out the importance of having quality projects and their positive impact on the economy.

Mr. Obaid Abdul Rahman Al Mazloum, Director of the Real Estate Projects Regulation Department in the Sharjah Real Estate Registration Department confirmed that TAHKEEM specialises in managing arbitration operations, as it manages decisions related to arbitration, which allows all parties to control the arbitration procedures instead of resorting to traditional judiciary. He added that investigation is characterised by arbitrators specialised in this type of issues, and in the event of a legal dispute that may go beyond the municipal framework, arbitration provides a means of reaching a specialist in the field in question.

Al Mazloum stated that TAHKEEM manages the arbitration process and provides specialised service from the beginning of the dispute until the final ruling is issued, which distinguishes it from the traditional judiciary.
Dr. Hassan Arab, arbitrator at TAHKEEM, explained that arbitration rules keep pace with the best international laws, in addition to an administrative staff keen to follow up the case from the beginning of the trial until the issuance of the ruling.

The second session was held under the title “The Role of Arbitration in the Construction Sector”, with the participation of Mohammed Al Hammadi, an arbitrator at the Sharjah Center for International Commercial Arbitration, Engineer Tariq Al Hammadi, an architect, and Mr. Hussein Thanoun Mohammed, Director of the Legal Affairs Department at Alef Group. Mr. Marwan Al Hall moderated the session.

Mohammed Al Hammadi, discussed the importance of contracts between the customer and the contractor, the importance of penalty conditions for the delay, the specifications required by the client, the importance of the client’s awareness of executive matters, and the necessity of having a consultant specialised in contracting affairs.

Mr. Hussein Thanoun Mohammed, Director of the Legal Affairs Department at Alef Group stated that TAHKEEM has contributed to solving many problems in a flexible and time-saving manner and reducing financial costs. The most important thing that distinguishes the centre is confidentiality, privacy, and speed. The arbitration staff is a specialised and professional staff that gives directions, and accurate solutions that are satisfactory to all conflicting parties.

The forum aims to introduce investors, suppliers, contractors, and service providers to TAHKEEM and its pioneering role in serving the economic sectors, and to introduce participants to comprehensive foundations in the main fields of construction and arbitration as a basic method for resolving construction disputes, and to highlight the role of the Centre as a true supporter of business sectors, as well as discussing ways of cooperation between the Centre and the participating parties, and introducing participants to the legal nature of construction contracts, the factors that cause disputes, and how to resolve these disputes amicably.
January 18, 2024 / 6:08 PM

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