

SOCC displays best historic vehicles at City Centre Al Zahia

October 03, 2023 / 9:03 PM
Sharjah 24: Sharjah Old Cars Club (SOCC) displayed rare cars in "City Centre Al Zahia." The one-of-a-kind show began on September 28 and will run until October 11.
Visitors to the show are rushing to take photographs with the historic cars as souvenirs. The Sharjah Old Cars Club seeks to emphasise the worth and beauty of these vehicles, which illustrate the progress and variety of the automotive industry over time.

Throughout the event, the club handed out souvenir cards with information about the traits, history, and significance of each featured car. These cars have gained international attention due to their appearances in well-known films or their ownership by world-famous individuals.

"Vintage cars enjoy great popularity among all age groups," said Dr Ali Ahmed Abu Al Zoud, Chairman of the Club's Board of Directors, of the event.

They embody intriguing stories and narratives about the evolution of the automobile industry over time. The UAE is well-known for its rich automotive legacy, and the country is keen on acquiring and maintaining old vehicles.

"The Sharjah Old Cars Club has a select group of members who are renowned for owning priceless rare cars."
October 03, 2023 / 9:03 PM

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