

Sharjah Safari enthrals ADIHEX attendees

September 03, 2023 / 7:10 PM
Sharjah 24: At the 20th annual Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX), the Sharjah Environmental and Protected Areas Authority (EPPA) displays fascinating information on the "Sharjah Safari," the first safari experience outside of Africa.
The 20th edition of the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition will take place at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre from September 2nd to the 8th, according to Salem Saeed Al Matroushi of the Sharjah Environment and Protected Areas Authority.

Al Matrooshi mentioned to "Sharjah 24" that the authority's website has all the information on the "Sharjah Safari," including a film explaining the African tribal safari experience.

The site also has an interactive map of the safari's destinations and a gallery of the many touring vehicles on display.

The Sharjah Safari, which might span up to 8 km in length, is the first such project to be undertaken outside of Africa. It showcases a wide variety of African wildlife, from antelopes and giraffes to lions and a plethora of bird species.

The Sharjah Safari gives visitors an authentic taste of Africa without leaving the United Arab Emirates.
September 03, 2023 / 7:10 PM

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