

Iman Turki: 47,000 students participated in “Superhero” program

May 25, 2023 / 6:22 PM
Sharjah24: Iman Turki, Head of the Association Support Programs Department at the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah, reported that the number of participants in the awareness competitions exceeded 47,000 students since January of last year, 2023. She added that 765 educational seminars and lectures were presented to students and parents as part of the initiative, which involved 77 public and private schools from Sharjah, the central area, and Khorfakkan.
The Friends of Diabetes Association (FDA), one of the health-supporting associations in the Health Promotion Department of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah concluded its awareness competition for the “Superhero” program, one of the association’s programs aimed at educating community members about diabetes, how to deal with it, and ways to prevent it, during an honouring ceremony for the winners held on Thursday morning at the Cultural Palace, in collaboration with the Sharjah Private Education Authority and the Emirates Schools Establishment, with the aim of raising awareness about diabetes in the emirate's schools.

Turki concluded by thanking all of the participants and partners for helping to make this awareness program a success, congratulating the competition's winners, and wishing everyone well and happiness.
May 25, 2023 / 6:22 PM

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