

FDA discusses awareness competitions of "Superhero" prog

May 23, 2023 / 4:32 PM
Sharjah24: The Friends of Diabetes Association (FDA), one of the health-supporting associations in the Health Promotion Department of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah, discussed with the Council’s Cultural and Media Office, and the Sharjah Broadcasting Authority,
Friends of Diabetes Association held a meeting with representivies of Cultural and Media Office of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs and Sharjah Broadcasting Authority to discuss the latest developments in awareness competitions for the “Superhero” program, one of the association’s programs aimed at educating community members about diabetes, how to deal with it, and ways to prevent it 

The meeting included an evaluation of the performance of 85 contestants from the schools participating in the program. it also discussed the most important criteria and mechanisms of arbitration and the conditions for winning the competitions.

Khawla Al Hajj, Head of the Friends of Diabetes Association, indicated that the programme is considered one of the essential awareness projects as it targets school students, their parents, and the teaching staff to increase their awareness of diabetes, the importance of following a healthy diet, and doing exercises.

It also promotes a safe and supportive environment for children with diabetes to manage their condition effectively.
May 23, 2023 / 4:32 PM

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