

FDA hosts fun day for children with diabetes

November 23, 2022 / 4:06 AM
Sharjah24: As part of the Health Promotion Department of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs' initiatives, the Friends of Diabetes Association (FDA) and the Novo Nordisk Corporation hosted a fun day out for diabetic kids at the Oasis Centre in Sharjah on November 18.
The goal of the organisation is to help children with diabetes become productive members of society by providing emotional support and encouraging them to have a more optimistic outlook on the disease. With the help of their trip, the kids were able to bond with others who face similar challenges, and their parents expressed gratitude to the event's organisers for helping their kids feel better.

The association's president, Khawla Al-Haj, said that taking diabetic children on fun outings like these helps them feel more confident in themselves and reminds them that God has singled them out as friends of diabetes.
November 23, 2022 / 4:06 AM

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