

UHS treats a case of complex heart condition

June 21, 2022 / 12:51 AM
Sharjah24: University Hospital Sharjah (UHS) has successfully saved the life of an 88-year-old citizen who was brought to the hospital with a severely tight chest, which necessitated a complex cardiac catheterization.
Dr. Osama Mahdi, consultant and head of cardiac catheterization at Sharjah University Hospital, said that the hospital received a case of an elderly patient with angina associated with a rapid heart rate, as well as changes in ECG indicating severe ischemia involving the cardiac wall.

He added that the patient has a history of severe stenosis in all coronary arteries feeding the heart muscle, with a degree of blockage of 95% in the trunk of the left coronary artery, 85% in the left anterior descending artery, 99% of the circumflex artery and 99% of the right coronary artery.

He continued: "The patient tried to undergo arterial replacement surgery in other hospitals through the country but could not do because of his old age and general poor health, which prevent him from undergoing general anesthesia, so there was nothing to do except opening the blocked arteries by the interventional cardiac catheter to save the patient’s life which was seriously threatened."

“Mahdi” was able to open three arteries for the patient specially at the left part of the coronary circulation, which treated the acute attack and stabilized the patient's condition; The catheterization was so difficult and complex that the patient suffered from ventricular acceleration of the heart rate and lowering of his blood pressure in conjunction with the  beginning of  the catheterization, which prompted the medical treating team with Mahdi at the head to insert a heart supporting balloon in the Aortic artery through the left femoral artery.

The patient stayed in the hospital for four days, This case is considered one of the most difficult cases of therapeutic catheters globally, indicating the development of the medical institutions in the UAE in terms of the availability of facilities, equipments and experienced medical staff.

“The hospital administration has worked hard to provide a preferential medical staff in the departments of catheterization and interventional cardiac catheters as well as the latest versions of devices, which qualified us to receive hundreds of cases of citizens, residents and those coming for treatment from outside the country, The hospital has achieved success figures that correspond to high rates of international standards.” Said dr. Ali Obaid Al Ali, CEO and member of the Board of Trustees at Sharjah University Hospital.

June 21, 2022 / 12:51 AM

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