

“Yalsatna” promotes community communication in Al Khalidiya

March 06, 2025 / 8:16 PM
Al Khalidiya
Sharjah 24: Al Khalidiya Suburb Council, affiliated with Sharjah Districts Affairs Department (SDAD), welcomed the holy month of Ramadan by launching the “Yalsatna” initiative, which it organises daily at its headquarters, in an atmosphere of harmony and brotherhood, and in confirmation of its role in strengthening social cohesion.
“Yalsatna” provides residents with the opportunity to meet, communicate and exchange congratulations on the holy month, reflecting the spirit of the cohesive Emirati society.

Strengthening community ties

The initiative comes as an extension of the Council’s approach to strengthening community ties and enhancing its social role in bringing together the suburb’s members on various occasions. The initiative confirms the Council role as a host for events that enhance the values of solidarity and social cohesion, in line with SDAD message in supporting the social fabric and spreading a spirit of familiarity among the suburb’s residents. 

The Council welcomed a meeting that brought together His Excellency Khalfan Saeed Al Marri, Chairman of Al Khalidiya Suburb Council, and members of the Council and employees, citizens and visitors, where everyone exchanged congratulations and greetings, stressing the importance of these meetings that consolidate the values of communication and compassion that characterise the holy month, and enhance the spirit of brotherhood among the people of the suburb. 

Imams’ role in promoting tolerant Islamic values

As part of the Council’s interest in communicating with various segments of society, the Chairman of the Council extended his congratulations to the mosques’ imams during their reception at the Council’s headquarters on the occasion of the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, welcoming their presence at the Council, and praising their efforts in raising awareness and promoting tolerant Islamic values. 

Al Marri stressed their pivotal role in establishing the spirit of tolerance and brotherhood, and reviving the atmosphere of the holy month with its lofty meanings in strengthening community cohesion, and supporting the values on which the Emirati societal identity is based.
March 06, 2025 / 8:16 PM

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