The story of the show centers around a group of children who gather at the home of a little girl named Yasmina. They engage in a lively imaginary party, beginning with a game of creativity that soon spirals into bizarre and unexpected events. When one of the children proposes a game of time travel, what starts as a fun fantasy suddenly becomes a stark reality, whisking them away to various eras and unfamiliar places. Trapped in these strange settings, the children discover yellow papers from an enchanted book known as the Book of Wishes. This magical book grants each child one wish, and after they each write down their desires, those wishes miraculously come true. As the story unfolds, the children navigate through their adventurous journey, ultimately returning to their own time. Along the way, they learn valuable lessons that blend the boundaries of imagination and reality.
The show delivered important messages aimed at children, emphasizing the value of knowledge and the power of imagination in shaping their understanding of the world. It highlighted the need to reject discrimination and promote cooperation as essential steps towards safety. Additionally, the program introduced children to the significance of their dreams and the various ways they can work towards realizing them in the future.
The show successfully established a strong connection with its audience by weaving a story that sparked children's imaginations and actively engaged with them. The director's creative choices played a pivotal role, particularly the emphasis on the actors' performances and the lighting, which effectively conveyed the show’s messages to young viewers. Additionally, the set design helped create appealing scenes for children, while the production made excellent use of condensation and brevity. This was particularly noticeable in the makeup, costumes, and even the music and sound effects, which were not merely decorative but essential elements that enhanced the overall experience of the show.