

“Sociological Lab” to support social researchers

May 26, 2024 / 12:16 PM
Sharjah 24: The Board of Directors of the Sociological Association revealed, on Saturday, the launch of the "Sociological Lab" project, during its meeting held at its headquarters in Sharjah.
The "Sociological Lab", approved by the board, constitutes an addition to research in the field of social sciences, as it provides an interactive environment that allows researchers to develop their ideas and turn them into applicable research projects. It is expected that the lab will contribute to enhancing cooperation between researchers, academic institutions and society, which helps in providing innovative and effective solutions to social challenges. The lab also promotes community partnership and works to develop strategies based on scientific research to address current and future issues.

The approval of the project came within the framework of the proposal submitted by member of the Board of Directors, Dr. Muhammad Hamdan bin Jarsh Al Suwaidi, in his vision to support the efforts of the association and integrate its roles towards creating an interactive platform for researchers and graduate students in the field of social sciences, which enhances the association’s role in supporting research, scientific and academic cooperation.

In this regard, the board affirmed that its adoption of the “Sociological Lab” is an important step towards enhancing scientific research and developing innovative solutions to social issues, which contributes to supporting sustainable development and achieving tangible progress in understanding and addressing contemporary social phenomena.

Dr. Muhammad Hamdan bin Jrash stated that the world is changing very rapidly, and the need to understand social phenomena has become more urgent than ever before, so the ‘Sociological Lab’ is the association response to this challenge; whereas it is not only a space for research, but a fertile environment for research, induction, and deduction, where ideas can flourish and turn into tangible solutions to social issues and phenomena.

Bin Jarash affirmed that through this lab, the association seeks to empower researchers, enhance scientific cooperation, and root community partnerships.
Bin Jarash added that the main objectives of the lab include empowering researchers, strengthening partnership and cooperation with universities, and developing innovative solutions to contemporary social challenges. 

Dr. Muhammad Hamdan bin Jarsh Al Suwaidi concluded that the ‘Sociological Lab’ will present purposeful initiatives based on reality and approved strategies, advanced and qualitative research reports, and applied projects that contribute to addressing the current social issues.
May 26, 2024 / 12:16 PM

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