

Media meeting on speech, language, and hearing services at SCHS

May 22, 2024 / 10:58 PM
Sharjah 24: On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, the Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services' (SCHS) Language and Language Council and Corporate Communications Department hosted a media conference at the Early Intervention Centre in honor of May's Speech, Language, and Hearing Month.
The goal of the event was to raise awareness of speech, hearing, and language services, as well as the assistance that the Speech and Language Council provides to beneficiaries and their families.

Rami Majdi, Supervisor of the City's Speech and Language Unit moderated the briefing, which covered four primary topics: The community recognizes the position and value of speech-language pathologists.

Technology plays a crucial role in enhancing speech and language skills and enhancing communication. Collaboration and relationships with other organizations. Treatments for speech and language can continue.

Alaa Saif Al Attar, Head of the city's Speech and Language Council, emphasised the council's efforts to support diploma programmes in speech-language pathology at the University of Sharjah and Ajman University, publish articles in international journals, and unify work methods and mechanisms across the city's centres and branches.

Ghada Kamal Ayyash, the mother of student Walid Ahmed Al Zaabi, emphasised the significance of the briefing in exchanging ideas, creating community awareness, and exposing the needs of children and their families. She also praised the excellent collaboration of professionals, as well as the provision of academic and social assistance to children and their families.

Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services started the "60 Seconds" series, an educational awareness effort, in 2018 to educate the community on various disability-related themes, according to Anoud Yousef Al Ali, Director of Corporate Communications Department. The series' second edition focuses on speech, language, and hearing, as well as child development in these areas.

Rami Majdi emphasised the relevance of the briefing in promoting awareness regarding speech, language, and communication impairments, as well as the need for early identification. He emphasized the growing number of children with communication difficulties as well as the importance of early identification and rehabilitation programs to help them integrate into society and the educational system.

Mayson Salim, the mother of student Laila Mohamed Hamad, emphasised the significance of community awareness and the role of Sharjah City for humanitarian services in this regard.

Finally, the briefing emphasised the significance of speech and language, as well as the necessity for specialisation in this subject within UAE institutions, urging students to pursue these therapeutic specialisations because of their value and demand in the labour market.
May 22, 2024 / 10:58 PM

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