

Tatwany: Important issues discussed during SICFAB

February 06, 2024 / 6:41 PM
Dr. Hany Tatwany, Director General of the Arabian Leopard Fund
Sharjah 24: Dr. Hany Tatwany, Director General of the Arabian Leopard Fund, stressed the importance of the sessions of the Sharjah International Conservation Forum for Arabia’s Biodiversity (SICFAB) in its 23rd edition, in examining important environmental issues regarding species conservation, and programmes to restore biodiversity in devastated areas.
He reported that SICFAB, which is being held in its 23rd edition, organised by the Environment and Protected Areas Authority at the Sharjah Safari, discussed important environmental issues in the Arabian Peninsula.

In statements to “Sharjah 24,” he explained the importance of the topics discussed in the event, as visitors and researchers learn about the latest findings of studies on environmental issues that will serve environmental planning in making environmental decisions.

It is worth noting that the event’s sessions are held with the participation of more than 200 experts and researchers, from the UAE, Gulf countries and the world, who specialise in the environmental field and are interested in biodiversity issues, shedding light on current environmental issues.
February 06, 2024 / 6:41 PM

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