

23rd SICFAB begins with international participation

February 05, 2024 / 7:23 PM
Hana Saif Al Suwaidi
Sharjah 24: The Chairperson of the Environment and Protected Areas Authority in Sharjah (EPAA), Hana Saif Al Suwaidi, announced the launch of the 23rd edition of the Sharjah International Conservation Forum for Arabia's Biodiversity (SICFAB) on February 5. The forum's activities will continue until February 8.
In remarks to "Sharjah 24," Al Suwaidi confirmed the involvement of more than 200 environmental specialists and researchers from the UAE, Gulf countries, and throughout the world.

The event will discuss biodiversity challenges and conservation approaches, particularly in the Arabian Peninsula, which is noted for its unique biological richness.

The forum's sessions and workshops will address the region's key biodiversity concerns as well as new solutions for their conservation.
February 05, 2024 / 7:23 PM

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