

SEWA marks 52nd Union Day

December 01, 2023 / 11:46 AM
Sharjah24: The Sharjah Electricity, Water, and Gas Authority (SEWA) recently celebrated the UAE 52nd Union Day, aiming to foster a sense of national identity and unity among the organisation's employees and participants. The event showcased the country’s extensive history of unwavering commitment and accomplishments over the past 52 years, demonstrating a strong sense of national pride and loyalty, while reiterating the dedication to further contribute and strive for excellence.

His Excellency Abdullah Abdul Rahman Al Shamsi, Director-General of SEWA, extended his heartfelt congratulations and greetings to President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan E, and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, as well as their brothers, the members of the Supreme Council of Rulers of the Emirates, and the Crown Princes and Deputy Rulers. He also conveyed his greetings to the Emiratis and the residents on the occasion of the 52nd National Day, praying to the Almighty to bless the wise leadership and our noble people with all goodness, prosperity, and blessings.

Al Shamsi also conveyed sincere thanks and admiration to His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, whose words, actions, and stances have instilled in us the importance of loyalty and patriotism to our nation. He added that His Highness’ words of wisdom serve as a constant source of inspiration for the people of this nation, reminding them that hard work, effort, innovation, and creativity lead to progress and prosperity.

He emphasised that December 2nd, 1971, marks the beginning of a new chapter in the history of the Arab region, stressing that UAE Union Day carries a multitude of meanings

Al Shamsi stated that today, people from different nationalities gather to commemorate, expressing their love and loyalty for this fortunate country, amidst feelings of love and pride.

On this occasion, He emphasised the significance of being responsible members of the Sharjah Electricity, Water, and Gas Authority, reaffirming their commitment to follow their wise leadership and continue on the path of development and prosperity, aiming to preserving their national identity. 

December 01, 2023 / 11:46 AM

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