

Sharjah fights desertification with greenery

November 22, 2023 / 5:13 PM
Image for the title: Sharjah fights desertification with greenery
Sharjah 24: Sharjah City is adopting several measures to lessen the influence of desertification on the environment.
The city's activities include developing green areas and planting various species of trees, reflecting the city's objective of creating a sustainable environment. About 22 million square metres have been dedicated to parks and other green areas.

Trees have been planted in city outdoor areas, streets, parks, and even in front of municipal buildings as part of an effort by city institutions and municipalities to increase urban green space.

There are now almost 22 million square metres of green space in Sharjah, a growth of about 12 percent annually. There are 70 parks in the city, and 17 million flowers are grown in city nurseries.

There were also 578,000 trees and decorative plants planted in addition to the 379,000 agriculture seedlings that were planted in 2022.
November 22, 2023 / 5:13 PM

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