

SSSD mobilises urgent assistance efforts in Sharjah

November 03, 2023 / 12:29 PM
Sharjah 24: The Sharjah Social Services Department (SSSD) is committed to delivering a wide array of vital services to families facing urgent situations. These services are designed to swiftly offer the essential support required in emergencies, ensuring a decent and secure life for these families.
These services encompass the provision of temporary emergency housing through the leasing of hotel apartments for families. This is done in close coordination with the Housing Department to secure suitable accommodation. Additionally, the services include urgent maintenance assistance, coverage of tenancy fees, the supply of daily living necessities, financial aid, enhancements to housing conditions, temporary hotel accommodations, rent payment assistance, addressing rent arrears, and streamlining administrative procedures. Furthermore, the department offers medical equipment, mobility aids, electronic and educational devices, school uniforms, and clothing. They also provide a (Bashamah) card for accessing essential food items from the Sharjah Cooperative Society.

Emergency services also extend to immediate life-saving aid, essential maintenance and furnishing, support in obtaining or renewing identification documents, health cards, health insurance, and various other forms of emergency livelihood assistance.

Alia Al Zaabi, the Director of the Social Aid Department, underscores that these services are delivered to guarantee the fulfillment of families' needs during emergency situations, with the overarching goal of ensuring their well-being and safety. She underscores the department's dedication to improving the quality of life and social welfare of its beneficiaries.

Al Zaabi further clarifies that in 2023, the department provided 223 emergency interventions to 127 families, with these emergency services being rendered within less than 24 hours after thorough case verification and determination of eligibility for assistance. The provision of emergency services is based on family requests, outcomes of case assessments conducted by social specialists, or identification of the case's circumstances through ongoing department updates.
November 03, 2023 / 12:29 PM

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