

PSA issues working in high places safety guide

June 14, 2023 / 12:49 PM
Sharjah24: The Prevention and Safety Authority (PSA) has recently developed occupational safety and health standards including Sharjah Occupational Safety and Health System OSHJ-CoP-04 guide for workers working at heights, as the system is a free electronic platform to raise the awareness information to avoid dangers surrounding work and to protect people working in high places from the risk of injury or death.
Building on that, Eng. Khaled Al Ali, Head of the Standards Department, said " It is possible to avoid risks of working in high places, or at least reduce the rates of their occurrence, which is a basic requirement that everyone must know before starting work, as its is necessary to plan a safe site for working by reviewing the work plan, developing a written plan to prevent accidents from falling, and preparing a risk assessment".

He added: “The construction sector, in particular, is one of the sectors that most workers carried out at high places, and various preventive measures can be taken to prevent accidents and ensure a safe work environment in this sector, affirming that the authority was keen to present in a simple and comprehensive manner, all safety guides covering several aspects, including the perimeter, edge protection, external works, erection of structures, scaffolding, temporary works, work platforms, elevators and loading platforms.

Noura Al Hammadi, Head of the Reports Department, emphasised the significance of reporting workplace accidents via the Sharjah Occupational Safety and Health System platform (https://spsa.shj.ae/ar/osh-services), so that accident data is received for information and analysis, allowing for the implementation of procedures an action that stops accidents from happening again. The workplace must send out regular reports on occupational safety and health statistics and must put the appropriate precautions in place to guarantee the safety of employees, visitors, contractors, and everyone else impacted by its operations.
June 14, 2023 / 12:49 PM

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