Boasting an impressive collection of 438 meticulously curated titles from 40 esteemed Emirati publishers, the EPA aims to captivate the attention of publishers, academics, authors, and fair attendees alike, inviting them to delve into the extraordinary achievements of Emirati publishing houses. By championing a diverse range of publications under its umbrella, the Emirates Publishers Association seeks to foster a culture of reading among all segments of society.
The EPA’s commitment to catering to the diverse interests of readers from different nationalities and age groups enriches the knowledge landscape in the UAE, further solidifying the pivotal role of the publishing sector in driving societal, cultural, and economic development.
Supporting Emirati publishers
Abdullah Al Kaabi, chairman of the board of directors of the Emirates Publishers Association, emphasised the significance of the association’s involvement in the book fair, along with the pivotal role played by Menassah, saying: “Our participation is a testament to our dedication to enhancing the cultural and intellectual fabric of the UAE. The Abu Dhabi International Book Fair presents a unique opportunity for regional publishing sectors to network with global industry professionals. By fostering meaningful partnerships during this momentous gathering, our members contribute significantly to promoting and expanding their businesses, thereby propelling the advancement of the publishing industry in the UAE and strengthening its creative industries.”
Mutual partnerships
The Abu Dhabi International Book Fair will offer Emirati EPA member publishers a valuable opportunity to partake in matchmaking sessions. These sessions aim to facilitate connections with publishers from diverse countries, such as Turkey and China. Through these valuable interactions, publishers have the opportunity to explore potential copyright transactions and engage in discussions regarding books they are interested in selling or acquiring the rights to. It is a prime occasion for forging international collaborations and expanding the reach of Emirati publications.
The Emirates Publishers Association will also engage in informative and captivating sessions and workshops designed to provide industry professionals with valuable insights and practical guidance, encompassing a wide range of topics relevant to the publishing industry.
Notable sessions include ‘How to Publish Translated Books,’ featuring Amira Bu kidra from Ghaf Publications; ‘How to Reach Professionalism in Publishing,’ with the participation of Abdullah Al-Kaabi from Dar Al-Ramsa Publications; and ‘How to Publish an E-Book,’ with Khalid Al Ali from Bawabat Al Kitab Publishing. Additionally, attendees can look forward to a thought-provoking session titled ‘Reading and Electronic Games...How to reach a Peace Treaty,’ with Abdullah Al Sharhan from Dar Ajyal; as well as an illuminating session titled ‘The importance of Data in the Arab Publishing World...a Nielsen BookData Session’ featuring Abdullah Al Kaabi from Dar Al Ramsa Publications and Al Anoud Ali from the Emirates Publishers Association; and a workshop addressing ‘How to Build Good Metadata... Nielsen BookData.’