

Bin Amer honours two for obtaining higher degrees

July 26, 2022 / 3:50 PM
Image for the title: Bin Amer honours two for obtaining higher degrees
Sharjah24: His Excellency Brigadier General Abdullah Mubarak bin Amer, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police, honoured, at the command headquarters, First Sergeant Dr. Maryam Al-Marri for obtaining a professional doctorate in institutional innovation, digital transformation and future foresight from Ajman University, and First Sergeant Reem Musa Ahmed for obtaining a Master of Arts in Sociology Applied Criminology track from the University of Sharjah, in the presence of Brigadier Dr. Khaled Al Hammadi, Director of the Sharjah Research Center.
The honouring comes within the framework of the Sharjah Police General Command's methodology aimed at motivating and encouraging its members to obtain the best scientific degrees that contribute to the development of their knowledge and scientific levels in all academic disciplines, especially those related to their field of work.

The Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police praised the honorees' keenness to continue their educational attainment and obtain the highest academic degrees that support the efficiency of police performance, which constitutes one of the most important pillars of police and security work.
July 26, 2022 / 3:50 PM

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