

Sharjah's girls dazzle in ballet during annual show

June 26, 2022 / 11:06 PM
Image for the title: Sharjah's girls dazzle in ballet during annual show
Sharjah 24: On Sunday, the Sharjah Ladies Club's Collage Talent Centre staged its annual ballet show in front of a big crowd of parents and ladies.
Fourteen different parts of the show were put on by girls who had earned qualifications from the Royal British Academy of Dance.

This year's programme was the most successful ever, with 165 female participants ranging in age from 3 to 17, and training ranging from 3 to 6 courses per day.

As a means of enhancing physical fitness and mental focus, the club's inaugural ballet performance took place in 2001. Since the organization's existence, there have been 1,400 female members.
June 26, 2022 / 11:06 PM

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