

‘Educational Excellence Award’ nominees can apply electronically

March 27, 2021 / 9:59 PM
Sharjah 24: The Sharjah Award for Educational Excellence, affiliated to the Sharjah Education Council, has completed its electronic transformation in an integrated manner, and has made it possible, through its website, for all nominees to submit their files electronically, as well as launching informational materials that introduce the mechanisms of applying electronically for the award.
The Award’s qualitative transformation converges with the achievement of its objectives to enable all those wishing to apply for the award categories to prepare their files and upload them easily without the need to submit them in paper form to the Award’s secretariat.

Alia Ibrahim Al Hosani, Director of the Sharjah Award for Educational Excellence, announced the 27th edition of the Award for the academic year 2020-2021 has started receiving applications for nominations in its twelve categories through its website since the beginning of last week.

Al Hosani explained that the award released visuals and film material that inform the participants of the process of applying and the steps for uploading their files, calling on those wishing to participate in the award categories to apply via the Award’s website before April 15. She affirmed that the central arbitration work will begin on 24th of the same month, and the results of the arbitration will be approved from June 3. 
March 27, 2021 / 9:59 PM

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