

Sharjah Award for Educational Excellence concludes its workshops

February 01, 2021 / 12:37 PM
Sharjah24: The Sharjah Award for Educational Excellence, affiliated to the Sharjah Education Council, concluded its virtual training workshop series, which concluded on last month after it was launched on December 13th.
The workshops were held through visual communication for reasons of preserving public health as a result of the repercussions of the Coronavirus, as 3659 participated in various virtual workshops activities, which amounted to 46 training workshops that dealt with all categories of the award and its data, embodying its role in spreading the culture of excellence in the educational environment.

In light of those workshops, 22 male and female trainers presented virtual workshops over a period of 56 training hours, after being known about the award's 11 categories.

These workshop converged to achieve the objective of the award to support and develop the capabilities of the educational 

These workshops converged to achieve the objectives of the award to support and develop the capabilities of the educational and societal field and enable all those wishing to apply for the award categories to prepare their files in an integrated manner and employ them within the award's courses to provide various training courses in both Arabic and English.

The award administration will begin receiving nominations for those wishing to apply for the award categories, provided that the deadline for receiving nomination applications is on the 15th April.

Mohammed Al Mulla, Secretary-General of the Sharjah Education Council, stated that the award achieves remarkable progress every year through its new offering of categories, reviewing all categories and their main and sub-criteria and updating them based on changes in the educational field and the notes and development proposals received from the participants.

Alia Ibrahim Al Hosani, Director of the Sharjah Award for Educational Excellence in, indicated that one of the reasons for the success of these workshops is in attracting the most prominent national expertise and competencies present on the country.
February 01, 2021 / 12:37 PM

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