

SCC approves a draft law organising Sharjah Museums Authority

November 28, 2020 / 11:14 AM
Image for the title: SCC approves a draft law organising Sharjah Museums Authority
Sharjah24: After introducing and discussing a number of amendments, the Sharjah Consultative Council (SCC) approved the draft law organising the Sharjah Museums Authority (SMA), during its fifth meeting as part of its work for the second ordinary session of the tenth legislative term.
The session was chaired by His Excellency His Excellency Ali Mehad Al Suwaidi, Chairman of Sharjah Consultative Council, while taking into account all precautions, safety measures and physical distancing. 

The Council discussed the draft law organising the Sharjah Museums Authority and the report received by the Committee of Islamic affairs, Endowments, Municipalities, Security Affairs and Public Utilities, at the Council, in the presence of His Excellency Counselor Issa Saif bin Handal, Director of the Legal Department of the Government of Sharjah, Aisha Rashid Dimas, Director of Executive Affairs at the Sharjah Museums Authority, and Sultan Al-Jarwan, legal researcher at the Legal Department of the Government of Sharjah.

At the outset of discussing the draft law, His Excellency Ahmed Saeed Al Jarwan, Secretary General of Sharjah Consultative Council, indicated that on November 11, 2020 AD, the Council received a letter from the General Secretariat of the Sharjah Executive Council, referring to draft Law No. 2020 AD, regarding the organisation of the Sharjah Museums Authority.

According to the provisions of Article 71 of the bylaws, the Council referred the above-mentioned draft law in its fourth session held on Thursday, November 12, 2020 AD, to the Committee for Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Municipalities, Security and Public Utilities Affairs, to study and consider the project and submit its report to the Council. The committee Kindly held a meeting for this purpose.

Al Jarwan pointed out that based on the procedures followed in discussing draft laws, the council will discuss the draft law with all articles, taking notes on them, and ratifying each article by approving or maintaining amendments as received from the Executive Council.

After that, His Excellency Member Obaid Muhammad Al-Qabid Al-Tunaiji, the rapporteur of the Committee of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Municipalities, Security and Public Utilities at the Council, read the draft law regulating the Sharjah Museums Authority, reviewing the definitions, objectives, specialisations and other legal articles mentioned in the draft law.

The members discussed all provisions of the law, the various objectives of the Sharjah Museums Authority contained in the draft law, aimed at organising work, and the development of museums related to the draft law, and setting general policies aiming to promotion the museums’ activities in the Emirate of Sharjah.

During the meeting, the members discussed the various articles that were mentioned in the draft law governing the organisation's work system.  

After the discussion, the Council approved the draft law organising the Sharjah Museums Authority in its fifth plenary session.

At the end of the session, His Excellency Ahmed Saeed Al Jarwan, Secretary General of Sharjah Consultative Council announced that the next session will be held on Thursday, December 10, 2020 AD, aiming to discuss the policy of the Sharjah Broadcasting Authority. 
November 28, 2020 / 11:14 AM

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