

Cultural Office organizes "Sharjah Cultural Salon"

February 27, 2025 / 3:43 PM
Cultural Office organizes "Sharjah Cultural Salon"
Sharjah 24: The Cultural Office of Sharjah's Supreme Council for Family Affairs organized an event called the "Sharjah Cultural Salon," themed "Ramadan, a Gift from the Most Gracious." The session featured His Eminence Sheikh Dr. Aziz Farhan Al Enizi and was moderated by the well-known media personality Dr. Saeed Al Amoudi at the Council Theater.

During his talk, Al Enizi highlighted the significance of Ramadan, describing it as the most precious month. He emphasized that this month represents a unique opportunity for people to earn countless good deeds and rewards. He shared that the early Muslims used to pray for six months just to reach Ramadan and then spent the rest of the year praying for their good actions during the month to be accepted. Ramadan is a special time when the Qur'an was revealed, and it is characterized by fasting, prayer, reflection, charity, and helping those in need.


At the end of the session, attendees had the chance to ask questions, and Al Enizi responded to them thoughtfully. The event attracted many participants eager to learn from his insights. Additionally, there was a raffle with gifts provided by Ajeeb Foodstuffs Company.

February 27, 2025 / 3:43 PM

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