The adventure is organised with the participation of a number of members of its centres, who are adventure enthusiasts, as part of Sharjah Youth efforts to provide creative spaces that combine learning, skill and fun, within a stimulating and supportive environment.
The programmes are in line with the work system of the Rubu' Qarn Foundation for Creating Future Leaders and Innovators, and highlight its pioneering role in preparing a generation capable of participating in shaping the future and facing its challenges according to the highest standards, and confirms Sharjah Youth's keenness to renew and diversify its programmes and activities that contribute to building a balanced personality for its members.
The camp agenda included a number of mountain adventures and intellectual and physical challenges that contributed to developing participants’ personal and survival skills, in addition to enabling them to make wise decisions at the right time.
Participants had a rich and integrated educational experience, carefully designed according to a professional approach, to enhance their leadership skills and team spirit in daily challenges, which had a great impact in developing their knowledge and deep understanding of bearing the responsibility of the different roles in one team, based on the importance of integrating roles to achieve a positive impact.
Participants overcame fear by participating in interactive activities that challenged their abilities and contributed to enhancing their self-confidence and self-reliance, the most prominent of which was the climbing challenge, and walking on unknown mountain paths. Such activities require high physical fitness and strategic planning, during which they were accompanied by a team of experts specialised in mountain adventures, who provided them with guidance sessions that addressed the foundations of planning, risk management and good behaviour.
Participants also mastered the skills of using wireless communication devices, using the compass to determine routes and choose suitable camping sites, and the art of cooking in the bosom of nature, in addition to survival skills workshops and adapting to various difficult conditions that developed their skills in strategic planning, creativity in solving problems, and time management according to priorities.
Participants expressed their happiness to participate in this experience that gave them the opportunity to discover new aspects of their personality, challenge themselves, hone their skills, develop their ability to endure and endure, and consolidate the values of social responsibility and environmental conservation in their minds and the importance of cooperation and teamwork in serving the community.