

2nd "Intaj Gathering” boosts home projects, fosters innovation

May 23, 2024 / 9:53 PM
Sharjah 24: Maryam Ahmed Al Hammadi, Director of the "Intaj" Centre of the Sharjah Social Services Department, unveiled plans for the 2nd "Intaj Fathering" event. Its goal is to acquaint members with new centre services and provide insights into the "Craft" award details, hosted at the Centro Sharjah.
She emphasised that beyond displaying products, the event strives to foster a collaborative environment where ideas evolve into successful projects that benefit families and society.

Speaking exclusively to "Sharjah 24,” Al Hammadi affirmed that the "Intaj Gathering” event unveiled the specifics of the "Craft" award. This award aims to motivate productive families to obtain accreditation licenses for their home projects via the Economic Development Department. Its goal is to foster a spirit of competition, creativity, and innovation among members, leading to the growth of home projects that ensure productive families a sustainable and lucrative future.

Al Hammadi noted the broad participation from diverse backgrounds in this course, lending a unique character to the experiences and products showcased. The "Intaj Gathering" event serves as a powerful catalyst for innovation and creativity in the home business sector.

May 23, 2024 / 9:53 PM

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